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Top 5 things great music teachers do

As a someone involved in the world of musical education, I often wonder; What makes a teacher great? Here are a few tributes that a good teacher should possess.

#1 Understand the student's interests in music and cater to their musical desires.

While it is relatively important to have a broad, well-rounded list of repertoire, it is even more important to ensure the student is reveling the act of making music. Our goal as teachers should not be to force students to be the next classical genius, but rather to have an appreciation for the keyboard. Not all students are interested in Beethoven, Schumann and Mozart; some want lessons to be able to play Billy Joel or Scott Joplin.

#2 Work on scales

I have noticed a general lacking of this component in some studios. Scale - heck, even music theory in general- can be quite mundane at times. But knowledge of this type of thing is an essential skill, especially for piano players.

Scales are a wonderful thing to work on to establish good technique and finger dexterity. In music, we have many scale-like passages in both popular and classical works. When you come across these types of passages and have a sound understanding of scales, it makes life so much easier.

There seems to be an idea that once you pass a certain level, you don't have to play scales anymore. this isn't exactly true; there are many different scale patterns that you can experiment with!

#3 Plan recitals

Recitals are a great way to motivate students; they boost confidence, set goals, and build the student's stage presence. It also has a social component. Piano is quite a lonely instrument; having recitals gets pianists out and mingling with other pianists. Recitals are also inspiring! It allows students to hear live music performed, and may show them a greater level of musicianship that they could aim for.

#4 Respect their students

I remember reading once that a music lesson is more of a partnership between student and teacher, not a dictatorship. Lessons should be focused on the student's needs and help them with their struggles. But in a way, the lessons should be kind of student-driven. Teacher's help has to be presented in a way that will empower the student, not pt them down in any way.

#5 And lastly, make the whole experience enjoyable!

At the end of the day, that is all that matters, really. A good teacher is always there to lend a helping hand and be a pleasant person to the student.

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